Returns and Refund Policy

Returns can be made within 30 days of the dispatch date. Any items received in a damaged condition must be reported to within 10 days of dispatch.

Bras can be returned if they do not fit, or fail to meet your expectations. All returned items must still have all tags attached and must not show signs of wear. Items must not have been washed or mistreated. If an alternative size in the same style is required, will work with you to determine the best size for you before dispatching another size. may not hold the required size, but will enquire with Curvy Kate to supply this as soon as possible.

Briefs/thongs/brazilians/shorts/swimwear do not necessarily come with hygiene plastic, so must be tried on over other undergarments if you are unsure of the fit. No briefs/thongs/brazilians/shorts/swimwear will be accepted for return if they are soiled/have signs of wear.

The customer is responsible for returns postage, however subsequent shipping from for the purposes of replacing an incorrect/damaged item will not be charged.